
Genre: Short Film (Fiction)
Italy/Austria, 2012
Running Time: 7 Minutes
Original language: Italian
Available Subtitles: English


Written by: Davide Potente
Director: Bernadette “Nanà” Weber
Director of Photography: Luca Travaglini
Music: Act as if
Producers: Davide Potente, Bernadette Weber
Produced by Factory624, in collaboration with Capsulae



Giò and Daniele wake up in their car under a hot sun of summer noon. They have no idea where they are and their friend Paolo who had been sitting on the front seat is missing. They’re apparently not where they are supposed to be, but don’t do anything to get away from there.

In another, darker, less vital scene we see Paolo sitting on the ground, waiting for the ambulance.

The friends are separated by the borderlines of two different worlds, but while Paolo at the end of the story is able to break out of his captivity, for Giò and Daniele time and space have lost any importance.



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Best Short Film (Monza Motor Film Festival 2012)

Festival Participation:
Corti di Manhattan, 2012, Rome (I)
Fiaticorti 13, 2012, Treviso, (I)
Visoni Corte, 2012, Minturno (I)
EIFF, 2012, Locri (I)
Cuneo Film Festival, 2012, Cuneo (I)
San Salvario Short Films Festival, 2012, Turin (I)
SteNIK, Aprilia (I)

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