Discussing care work in the media

It was a great honour to participate in this year’s 12-hour live program “Nochtschicht” by Radio Helsinki (AT) and talk about the representation of care and care work in the media, together with Showrunner Karin Schuster and FALTER Journalist Gerlinde Pölsler.

Nochtschicht is a format deriving from the show Pflegestützpunkt, to make care work – and all the issues, hopes and information linked to it – more visible in the media and raise awareness among the population. Our deepest admiration goes out to all the care workers making the world a better place day after day.

Photo Credit: (c) Salon Deluxe / Radio Helsinki Graz

Jury participation at MAGMA

I am thrilled and honoured to announce that I have been part of the Jury at this year’s Magma DEBUT, the wonderful feature film section of the MAGMA Film Festival, together with the writer and director Davide Del Degan (president) and the actor and director Giovanni Calcagno.

We had the privilege to watch a remarkable selection of debut films, had an inspiring round of discussion, and finally unanimously awarded “Bik Eneich – Un Fils” by Mehdi M. Barsaoui the Debut award 2023, and “AMA” by Julia de Paz Solva a Special Mention.

A special thank you to the organizers, Andrea Magnani (artistic director Magma DEBUT) and Giulia Iannello (Project Manager MAGMA), and my congratulations to the winners of this edition!!!

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